The Mumford & Sons Effect

M&S outside

You probably groaned when you read this title, thinking something along the lines of “Mumford & Sons AGAIN? If I have to hear that damn banjo band one. more. time…” But is it really the banjo’s fault? Is it Mumford & Sons’ fault?

NO! Your frustration would be better directed at your local radio stations instead of this homegrown British group. They’re just another casualty of the politics of airwaves: popular bands must be played more than regularly to appease the average listener who will thus hear that song at least once every time they hop in their car. This undesired and unpleasant overexposure of a band’s music is what I call “The Mumford & Sons Effect”. The bands themselves don’t dictate your exposure to their music, and that’s the core of the problem. Mumford & Sons’ sound isn’t created for hourly replay, top 40 radio, or even arena stages. I bet if they chose, you would be listening to their music on vinyl in the middle of a sunflower field.

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